
Halifax is at the west side of Atlantic, which is a gateway accessing to North American from sea. It is one of the ten cities which are most available for human beings to live in the world. The life in Halifax is happy, fruitful and simple.
The summer in halifax brings you a lot of fun. In the heart of the downtown you'll be lost in colorful gardens,be reluctant to leave the waterfront,and find art galleries, museums, historic sites and churches, and more..., or you are able to seek peaceful nature scenes by heading out of the downtown for nearby communities offering hiking, camping, and bird watching.
哈利法克斯地处大西洋西岸,是进入北美洲的海上门户。 全世界最适宜人类居住的十大城市之一。 哈利法克斯的生活简单,充实,快乐!
夏天的哈利法克斯给人们带来许多快乐。 在市区,你会沉醉在色彩斑斓的花园中,流恋于海滨码头,发现艺术走廊,博物馆,历史遗迹,教堂及更多.... 或者你还可走出市区去在自然平和的景色中观鸟,宿营,散步。

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